Friday, May 14, 2010

Our Recording Adventure

This past week we had the amazing opportunity to record a couple of our songs. This was our first time doing anything like this, so we are very excited, if you can't tell :)

Here is Becky recording the pitch and tempo tracks; this had to be done before we could do any singing.

Here we are in all our recording glory!
And here is the man- Jared Allen, mixing and editing the recordings. Thank you so much for your help Jared!

For now, we just have one song you can listen to. We did record another one, but it won't be ready for a while. We will definitely let you know when it is done though! So, here is our first recording. Let us know what you think!

By the way, I couldn't figure out how to add an mp3 to a blog. So you will just have to listen to it on facebook. If anyone knows how I can add it to the blog, please let me know!